The American media brought out the false statements of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the presidential debate

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 The US media has brought to light the false statements made by Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the presidential debate.

According to CNN, former US President Donald Trump told 30 lies during the debate, while Joe Biden made false statements nine times.

According to CNN, former US President Donald Trump lied on the issue of abortion during the debate, saying that legal experts and the general public were calling on him to overturn Roe v. Wade (1974 decision of the US Supreme Court on the right to abortion) on the concerns of killing newborns in the 8th or 9th month before birth or immediately after birth in Democratic states.

The U.S. broadcaster also called Donald Trump's statements about not having a terrorist incident during his presidency, giving more U.S. aid to Ukraine than Europe, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's removal of 10,000 security personnel in the Capitol attack false.

In its report, CNN also called Donald Trump's claim that he introduced the Veterans Choice program for retired U.S. soldiers to Congress as president false.

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The US broadcaster also contradicted former President Donald Trump's claim that the United States is currently suffering from the largest budget deficit and trade deficit with China, according to the report.

According to the US Broadcasting Corporation, the current US President Joe Biden also made nine false statements during the debate.

According to the report, Joe Biden lied about the data on his Medicare policies. He also falsely claimed that no U.S. military personnel were killed during his presidency.

The report said that Joe Biden repeated the false narrative based on misleading data on the tax rate on billionaires during the debate and falsely claimed that Donald Trump wants to eliminate Social Security.

CNN in its report also called false another claim of Joe Biden in which he said that the unemployment rate in the country was 15 percent when he took office.

The report said that during the debate, Joe Biden also lied about the Border Patrol supporting him when he supported the Border Bill.

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